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Map Manipulation Library (41)

Basic Access (3)

Short Description Function
Length map.len
Extract the keys map.keys
Extract the values map.values

Search and Replace (2)

Short Description Function
Contains key map.containsKey
Contains value map.containsValue

Manipulation (7)

Short Description Function
Insert a key-value pair map.add
Remove a key map.remove
Keep only certain keys map.only
Keep all except certain keys map.except
Add or replace keys with an overlay map map.update
Split map into an array of single-key maps map.split
Join an array of maps into one map map.join

Extreme Values by Key (8)

Short Description Function
Argument maximum map.argmax
Argument minimum map.argmin
Argument maximum with a less-than function map.argmaxLT
Argument minimum with a less-than function map.argminLT
Maximum N arguments map.argmaxN
Minimum N arguments map.argminN
Maximum N arguments with a less-than function map.argmaxNLT
Minimum N arguments with a less-than function map.argminNLT

Set or Set-like Functions (9)

Short Description Function
Convert an array to a map-set map.toset
Convert a map to an array-set map.fromset
Determine if an object is in the set
Union map.union
Intersection map.intersection
Set difference map.diff
Symmetric set difference map.symdiff
Subset check map.subset
Disjointness check map.disjoint

Functional Programming (10)

Short Description Function
Transform map items with a function
Transform map items, providing access to the key map.mapWithKey
Filter map items with a function map.filter
Filter map items, providing access to the key map.filterWithKey
Filter and map map.filterMap
Filter and map, providing access to the keys map.filterMapWithKey
Map and flatten map.flatMap
Map and flatten, providing access to the keys map.flatMapWithKey
Zip and map map.zipmap
Zip and map, providing access to the keys map.zipmapWithKey

Functional Tests (2)

Short Description Function
Pairwise check of two maps map.corresponds
Pairwise check, providing access to the keys map.correspondsWithKey