
Featured Talks

PyData Global, PyCon Sweden & PyDay BCN 2020
Accelerating Scientific Computing using Numba

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SciPy India 2019
Accelerating Data Science & Scientific Computing in Python using Numba

PyCon India 2019 &
SciPy India 2018
Deploying Machine Learning Models at the Edge

SciPy India 2017
Scientific Computing using Orange

PyCon India 2017
Making Machine Learning Fruitful & Fun Using Orange
Ankit Mahato

I am a die hard Pythonista, an open source contributor and a former GSoC scholar under Python Software Foundation. With more than 8 years of industrial and research experience in scientific computing, machine learning and data visualization, I have developed an expertise in handling the entire data analytics pipeline comprising – ingestion, exploration, transformation, modeling and deployment.